PowerTrace is a sophisticated graphical user interface shell that has been integrated to run with the accelerator beam dynamics code TRACE 3-D. The interface is based on the Shell for Particle Accelerator Related Codes (S.P.A.R.C.) software technology. All elements are represented with icons on a scrollable palette. The configuration of the beamline is set up visually by selecting and dragging icons to a model window.
PowerTrace includes the TRACE 3-D program maintained by the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). TRACE 3-D and its documentation are distributed under a license agreement with LANL.
TRACE 3-D is a FORTRAN program
that calculates the envelopes, centroids, and phase-space ellipses
of a bunched beam, including linear space-charge forces, as it
propagates through a beamline. Magnetic elements, including bends,
quads, doublets, triplets, and a wiggler are modeled, as well
as a number of radiofrequency elements, including RF gaps, RFQ
cells, CCL tanks, and RF cavities.
Drop-In Palettes Available
PowerTrace works with drop-in
palettes that provide additional custom elements for a variety
of modeling tasks. When installed, these palettes fully integrate
with PowerTrace:
Professional Version Available
The Professional version includes
the complete FORTRAN source code for TRACE 3-D so that users can
create their own custom versions of PowerTrace with TRACE 3-D.
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