PBO Lab Basic Package

Don't struggle with another beamline modeling task without this valuable tool!

PBO Lab is a graphic computer environment developed specifically for the particle accelerator community. PBO Lab is based on the Multi-Platform Shell for Particle Accelerator Related Codes (S.P.A.R.C. MP) software technology. The PBO Lab Basic Package consists of three main parts: the graphic user interface (GUI) with beamline construction kit, a fully integrated interactive tutorial system, and tools for analyzing single particle trajectories, beam envelopes, and beamline layouts. In addition, several powerful Application Modules are available for quantitative analysis and design. The latest release of the software is PBO Lab 3.1.


PBO Lab Trajectories Module
The Trajectories Module uses a built-in first-order optics simulation to graphically illustrate the qualitative optical features of a beamline, such as single particle trajectories and beam envelopes. The Trajectories Module can be used to examine individual rays and envelopes and to display graphic representations for horizontal, vertical, and magnetic mid-plane projections. Linear space charge forces are included in the equations used for envelope calculations.

PBO Lab Tutorial System
An innovative tutorial system is incorporated into PBO Lab. The tutorials assist users in understanding beam optics, accelerator and beamline models, and the technology of accelerators and optical components. The tutorial content is based on courses from the U.S. Particle Accelerator School. PBO Lab tutorials are composed of a series of Tutorial Modules, each of which contains two primary components: an interactive Slide Show and a HyperText tutorial. The Slide Show component provides informative displays dynamically linked to user inputs. The HyperText component presents a treatment of particle optics and technology in a book-like format.

Add-On Application Modules Available
PBO Lab works with several popular particle optics computation engines. These add-on modules fully integrate each of the available computation engines with the PBO Lab software.

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